Receive 50% off your next Uber trip!
Crates Stella Artois (0,0) 24x25cl:
To enter the consumer must buy 1 crate of Stella Artois or 0,0 24x25cl, take a picture and will receive the promotional code by email. The promotional code is only valid in Belgium where Uber is available. The Code will enable the consumer to receive maximum savings of 50% up to €10 per trip. The Promotion expires 14 days after application or 31/05/2025 at the latest. Offer is applicable only for trips taken on a personal profile.
There is a maximum of 1 coupon per person.
Promotion does not apply to surcharges, government-related charges, tolls, tips or taxes (which will be calculated based on the pre-offer amount); offers cannot be combined with other offers or savings. For accounts with multiple valid promo codes, the promo with the highest savings will automatically apply to a rider’s next trip Subject to availability, all rights reserved. The promotion is being granted by and on behalf of: AB InBev Belgium, InBev Belgium BV.
The promotion is valid while supplies of the codes last.
We have the right to withdraw this promotion at any time.